Monday, August 8, 2011

10 Reasons You Should Attend PyTexas 2011

Registration is Now Open

Please do stop by the registration page and fill it out ASAP.  PyTexas is free and open to the public, and the form takes less than a minute to fill out!  Even if you can't make it this year, please register to let us know you count yourself as an interested party for future years.

10 Reasons You Should Attend PyTexas 2011

If you're on the fence about attending, here are 10 reasons you should attend PyTexas, in no particular order:

Excellent variety of presentations and topics. The schedule has a lot of awesome talks planned. Here is the current draft of the schedule, and we're continuing to work to make it even better. Watch for some surveys coming up to gauge your interest in various talks, panels, sprints, etc.

Socialize with the Texas Python community, and experience the kind of energy and ideas that PyCon and PyTexas are known for. This is a very friendly community animated with lively ideas, and I'm confident everyone will have a great time.

Receive a free PyTexas 2011 t-shirt, which has a great design by Dave Birch of College Station. Here's a near final draft of the front and of the back (the Enthought logo is missing but will be added). If you're a youngster confused by how the imagery relates to Python, go watch an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus, the groundbreakingly absurd British sketch comedy which inspired the name of the Python programming language.

One free O'Reilly ebook per attendee. You'll receive one free ebook of your choosing from the O'Reilly complete catalog. O'Reilly ebooks are DRM free, and you can read them on a wide variety of devices. Thanks to O'Reilly Media for this generous gift to each PyTexas attendee!

Prizes drawings. So far we have plans to give out print books from O'Reilly Media and No Starch Press.  In addition we'll give away a Wing IDE license from Wingware. However, additional ideas are in the offing; if we have sponsor money left over we might add a nifty additional prize or two. For the latest, check out our prizes page on the tab at the top of this page.

Open Space slots in the schedule allow you to create ad hoc discussions or informal presentations of your own choosing, unconference style (similar to BarCamp). Bruce Eckel has created a screencast explaining the PyCon Open Space concept, what they are, how they work, and how to make the most of your time. It is a must see.  So make PyTexas yours by using an Open Space to create an event on whatever topic you wish.

Sponsor Expo. We have a lot of excellent sponsors this year who have generously contributed financially to PyTexas, several of whom will be setting up booths and tables at the conference.

Lightning Talks. These are five minute presentations crammed together back to back, and are frequently one of the most popular and entertaining events at PyCon and PyTexas.

Strengthen the local Python community. When we come together as a community, we can accomplish great things and provide mutual support in areas such as professional development and networking, fun projects, and general socializing.

Supportive Venue. Texas A&M provides a great environment to meet and is interested making PyTexas a successful conference. Python has become an important part of the curriculum, and we expect involvement from both faculty and students. Their willingness and interest helps make PyTexas possible. TAMU will provide free wifi access, and even allows food and drink in the halls and classrooms! PyTexas can run till 10pm in the evening if we want.

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